Archive for February, 2009

Organs in the News

February 3, 2009

artkidneydoctorsjhuEver since a woman successfully donated a kidney through her vagina, news of faulty gallbladders and bum kidneys being removed in this fashion have surfaced. Who knew you could give birth to a kidney? Apparently the donor (in the dark grey sweatsuit at right) had previously had a hysterectomy, so that pesky uterus wasn’t in the way. The recovery time is much shorter, but she sure doesn’t look too thrilled. Her niece, however, who got the kidney, looks pretty darn happy. Let’s hope her body doesn’t reject it! In less titillating but no less sensational news, doctors have developed a new artificial liver that helps dire patients hang on a little longer while waiting for a transplant.   [photo via CNN}

The Other Plush Organs

February 3, 2009

plush_penisDo you think these plushies have been tested for child safety? Our recent uterus recall led me to an internet tangent so disturbing that I felt I had to share — here’s what you get when you Google “plush penis.” The penises on the left and right are clearly for adults, the type of toy that is a staple of bachelorette parties and pride parades. But what about plush bears and bunnies hung like horses? I will refrain from making juvenile choking hazard jokes here, but it does make you wonder whether or not a toy like that has to be tested for child safety or not.

We Heart These Guts

February 3, 2009

picture-1Some fun and silly stuff frm around the anatomy world: bone socks that come complete with acupressue points, an adorable anatomically correct heart needlepoint kit from 29Olives, and instructions on how to make a brainy alien hat for baby.